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We both work at the same company and have little family and
are close to our co-workers so we thought it would be nice to invite them to our
wedding. One of my co-workers, I'll call her Lisa was invited to our wedding
shower. She does not RSVP as requested by my maid of honor and shows up with
another co-worker that did not RSVP. They both eat and drink and exclaim how
good all of the food is and did neither of them bring a gift. (I can understand
and forgive that, weddings are for celebrating not just gift grabs).
Well, she and her boyfriend are invited to our wedding. Lisa
does not return the RSVP card as requested in our invitation but instead text
messages me on my CELL PHONE that, "We are coming, but Mitchell wants
two dinners because he is a big man and cannot decide between the steak and the
chicken." These are $55-60 a plate dinners. I explain to her that the
plated dinners are expensive, but if a guest does not show, he is welcome to
their food. She then states, "I got your wedding gift last Friday but I
didn't get the XYZ that you wanted on your registry". I had registered for
a nice, durable XYZ but she decided to get us a cheap XYZ instead. Wow, I never
knew such bad manners could exist! We work at professional well paying jobs too!
I have been reading your site voraciously over the past few
days and had to share my own story of a rude guest from my own wedding last
year.DH (then FH) is a teacher and started his first teaching job a few months
before we became engaged. Since DH teaches in a large high school, he
couldn't possible invite all of his colleagues, but had become close to a few
teachers, including his teaching partner and his next-door neighbor, whom I
shall henceforth call "Al".
Al was the first teacher DH met and they instantly clicked.
He also lived close to us, so DH would often carpool with "Al".
Of course, we wanted to invite him to our wedding. DH told "Al"
that we would be inviting him, and he seemed very touched and honored that we
wanted him to be a part of the day.
Invitations were sent out, RSVP deadline came and went, and we
had no word from "Al". I asked DH to follow up and see whether
he was in fact coming. After several inquiries by DH where he received
very vague and non-committal answers, "Al" finally said that he and
his girlfriend would be coming to our wedding.
The little voice in my head kept telling me that he would
probably not show up. Of course, the voice was right. Now, DH and I
were a bit upset, having paid for their meals and all, but weren't too shook up
about it. In the time between sending the invites out and the day of the
wedding, we had learned that Al was a total flake. The best part of the
story is not the fact that he didn't show, but rather his excuse. When DH
saw him at school after we returned from our honeymoon, DH naturally asked what
had happened to him. His response was, "Oh. My girlfriend and I
went to the movies that evening, and when we were leaving the theater, she asked
me 'Hey, didn't we have a wedding to go to today?' " Too funny!
Even if that was what really happened, at least make up a better story than
As an addendum to this story, another of DH's colleagues got
married a few months after us, and Al did the same thing to them!
Apparently, Al's girlfriend is very shy and does not like to be around a lot of
people she doesn't know. That is completely fine and understandable (I am
a bit like that, too), but don't RSVP yes when you know you won't end up coming!
My husband & I were married on May 26 2007 in a small town
called Vacy (NSW, Australia). We were on a bit of a budget so we
were looking to do a few things on the cheap - as luck would have it a few
friends had cars that were perfect for the 3 bridal cars we needed.
My husband's boss (and friend) had a brand new white Nissan Navara 4x4 & his
friend from school, lets call him Carson, was a car dealer who happened to have
the same vehicle on the floor so we had two matching 4x4s for the bridesmaids to
travel in. (I came in a BMW borrowed from a family friend). All was
going really well until it was time for the guests to make their way from the
ceremony location to the reception. Carson had brought his mousy little
girlfriend (lets call her Carmen) with him. She flatly REFUSED to get a lift to
the reception with anyone who had offered (even though she knew them) &
insisted that she travel with the bridal party as her boyfriend was driving one
of the Navaras. I told both him & her that this was not happening & she
should get in one of the cars with guests & get her butt up to the reception
immediately. She got all upset & ran off to the bathroom & stayed there
until the bridal cars were the only vehicles remaining. Now we had to take her
with us. Carson performs useful services of
providing one of his dealership cars for your transportation needs and drives it
himself thus saving you more money and you make an issue of his girlfriend
riding in the car with him. You make no mention of a lack of seating so one can
presume her presence in the vehicle did not deprive a bridal party member of a
seat. If her presence in the vehicle was the price to be paid for having
nice, dependable, cheap transportation, it was a bargain. You made a major
mountain out of a molehill.
We all arrived at the reception venue & the drivers of the
other two vehicles went into the restaurant to wait for our grand entrance.
Carson & Carmen however decided that they would wait until we went in &
come in with, what the hell????? I went off. I told them that they
need to get in there right now & start behaving like gracious guests. I am
the bride & this is the one day in my life when I get to be the center of
attention so stop acting like you are somehow important! Carmen got upset again
& ran off into the carpark sobbing - Carson of course followed to calm her
down so we went in & left them in the car park.
If you thought guests were going to be
confused as to who Carmen and Carson were and why they were where they were, you
would be mistaken. No one would have paid any attention to them because
all their focus would have been on your announced entrance. You then had
the audacity to put Carson in his place despite the fact that the man has given
you a rather expensive gift of the use of a dealership car and his time in
driving it for you. Why am I starting to get vibes that maybe you weren't
much of a gracious, grateful bride?
I had pretty much forgotten about these two incidents by the
time our dinner was served so I was feeling fine. When I got up to go & talk
to the DJ (had to arrange a little surprise for a cousin who turned 18 the day
before the wedding) Carmen came stumbling up to me with a glass of red wine
& spilled it all over my dress. I was absolutely furious.
Luckily for her Carson came & dragged her away because I was ready to smash
the glass into her stupid drunk little face. Your
extreme reaction is evidence that you had not forgotten the previous incidents
at all. The kitchen staff helped me out with some soda water & we got
it down to a pink stain so I was a little less mad but I was still
Then, the final insult came when we were doing our dance,
followed by our leaving circle so we could go off to our honeymoon. Carson &
Carmen decided that they were too good to come & watch us dance or extend
well wishes to us as we left - they sat in a back corner WITH THEIR BACKS TO US
the whole time & refused to even look over at us.
Well, this paragraph sealed it for
me. You had to have been LOOKING for them to have noticed what they
were or were not doing instead of enjoying those who did send you off to your
honeymoon. You appear to have obsessed over who wasn't validating your
need to be the center of attention even while leaving.
Needless to say I have not spoken to Carmen at all since
the wedding. She is not welcome in my home ever again & I hope I never have
to cross paths with her again because I don't think I could be civil to her -
even to keep the peace between my husband & his long time friend Carson.
And I'm betting you never sent Carson a note
thanking him for the use of the dealership car or his chauffeuring.
I recently attended a wedding with my boyfriend. It was
a nice wedding and very tastefully done, but I was blown away by the guests’
behavior at the reception. First of all, when we got to the reception
there were obviously more people there than were at the wedding--meaning they
either crashed the reception or were invited but declined to go to the wedding
OR the bride only invited them to the reception; regardless something went wrong
somewhere. Some of these people even came in jeans, which is just tacky.
So, being that there were more people than at the wedding, there were not
enough seats for everyone to sit down and eat after going through the buffet
line. The wedding cake and the groom’s cake were at the very front of
the reception hall and the guests actually used the tables that these cakes were
sitting on to eat. Not sure if this is a faux pas, but I have never seen
this done before. I thought it was a little rude.
The worst thing that I saw, which my boyfriend and I were both
pretty appalled at, was this: on the table by the groom’s cake were a
little tower of chocolate covered strawberries decorated to match the cake.
People, and I am not talking children or teenagers, but grown men and
women, were taking them and eating them. This was before any cake had been
cut, not to mention there was a table of sweets provided after the buffet that
they could of eaten. The kicker was this... a women took one and put it on
her plate and right after she did her little girl did also (maybe 4 or 5).
When the mother and father saw this they said, “NO NO NO!! You can’t
have that!” and proceeded to put it back on the table with the other
strawberries. Gross!!!
Hi! I love your site! I get shivers reading some of these
horror stories... My wedding hasn't even happened yet, and I have a
Guest from Hell story. This is actually not a big deal, but I was
extremely irritated when it occurred. My fiancé is friends with a
couple, "John and Lisa". I've never met them, but he wanted them
at the wedding and that's fine with me. He had lunch with Lisa about a
week ago and mentioned the wedding and how he'd like to send an invitation to
them, etc. She immediately says something to the tune of, "Well, just
so you know, we'll be bringing 'Carrie'" (her 8 year old daughter!).
"Just so you know"??? Are you kidding me?
She then further went on to explain that they didn't go
anywhere without the child. ??? Apparently, this was a
"miracle" baby that had taken a long time to conceive. Good for
them, but not going anywhere without the kid? How do they work? Do they
even sleep together anymore? No wonder there's just the one kid!
My fiancé, not being up on wedding etiquette, did not
immediately see anything wrong with this until I pointed out to him: A) We
specifically did not put children's names on the invitation., and B) It is so so
SO rude to not only assume your kid is invited, but to say something like
"Just so you know..."
Grrrr! The kid is well-behaved, according to my fiancé,
but so what? We all know what happens when you make an assumption...
I am not close with my cousins on my mom's side of the family,
so when I had a very small, very casual wedding last year, I decided not to
invite any of them. I figured if I didn't invite any of them, it would be clear
that the slight was not personal, and they wouldn't be offended. Most of them
are not mean or terrible people, they just have a different lifestyle than I do
and we have not ever been particularly close. One of them, however, I have
disliked for a number of years. I will call her "S." Every time I
would introduce her, at some family function, to a gentleman friend I was
seeing, she would immediately start overtly flirting with him, making everyone
uncomfortable especially since when this started happening she was about
By the time I got married she was 19, and had just been dumped
by her own boyfriend, a divorced 30-year-old who didn't have a job and was
seeing several other girls as well. She is also extremely dumb (she has been
going to college now for several years and keeps changing her majors depending
on where the "cute" boys are- initially she wanted to be a
"pediatrician cardionologist"[sic] so she could save babies. When I
told her that it would be hard watching babies die, she told me she "hadn't
thought about that.") and extremely preachy and religious (which is funny
considering that the boyfriend dumped her after she had a miscarriage in my
75-year-old grandmother's bathroom at 2am). Needless to say, I have a lot of
reasons to dislike her. So I hadn't invited her, but I did invite her mother, my
aunt. My aunt was unable to come, but she assumed for some reason that her adult
daughter who didn't live with her anymore was included in the invitation. Sure
enough, "S" showed up tagging along with a few of my other relatives.
I didn't say anything about it, I was nice to her when she came in, and just
figured that I wouldn't have to talk to her too much because there were a lot of
other people there who wanted to talk to me.
My husband and I are huge fans of Indian food, so we had a
small restaurant cater our reception with the most lovely, wonderful Indian food
imaginable. It was a casual buffet, and I had explained to the caterer that
there were lots of people there who would have never tried Indian food before,
and I would like there to be some "plain" dishes for kids and
unadventurous eaters. Everyone raved about the food, including people who I knew
to be particularly picky and plain eaters. "S" thought all the food
looked "disgusting" and made this known. She pestered my grandmother
and the other relatives she came with that she was starving and couldn't eat
anything there (amongst other things, we had some very delicious but plain
grilled chicken, flatbread, and rice as well as salad), and she whined loudly
throughout the evening. First of all, my parents taught me that whenever you're
around food with other people, you never, ever say that someone else's food
looks "disgusting" or "gross" and you never complain about
food that is offered to you. I guess our parents were just different? My
grandmother ended up leaving early to take her home just to get her out of
everyone's hair.
Several weeks after my wedding, I mentioned to my mom that I
thought it was kind of strange that S's mother, my Aunt, hadn't even sent me a
card. This was very, very out of character. My mom decided she would ask her
about it, and to my aunt's shock and embarrassment, she admitted that she had
sent S to the reception with a card and cash to give to me, but S had apparently
kept it. My aunt immediately called S to ask her about it, and S casually
admitted that yes, she was running a little short on cash that week, and just
opened the card and pocketed the money!
I came across your website when planning for my own wedding
and I am now addicted. This story concerns a wedding I and my fiancée went to
very recently. John & Amy were getting married and invited my fiancée as
John and her were very close, I hadn't met either the bride or groom before the
wedding let alone knew the back story so most of this is what I was later told
by my fiancée. John was in a serious relationship with Jill for a number of
years and their break-up was very painful, as she kept trying to get him back,
to the point of nearly stalking him. On the day of the wedding my fiancée was
astonished to see Jill there as she knew the history, not only was Jill there
but she came in a low cut very short WHITE dress. The bride never made mention
of this but most of the talk at the reception revolved around how desperate an
attempt this was for attention and how shocked that Amy had allowed her to be
invited in the first place.
Love the site! I have a story about my grandparent's wedding,
which was in the late 40's. My grandfather is of East European descent, my
grandmother of West European descent. My grandfather's parents were extremely
upset that he was marrying someone not East European, especially having lived in
East Europe for most of their life before moving to America, and constantly
tried to force a young woman from their church on him, even when he was engaged
to my grandmother. My grandfather of course would have no part of this and
married my grandmother. My great grandparents eventually came around to my
grandmother and they became quite close.
They, however, aren't the guests from hell I'm referring to,
but knowing the above information is important to the story. My grandparents
went to their hotel after the reception and hadn't been there for long when
there was a knock on the door, claiming to be Room Service. They opened the door
and there was a whole group of my grandfather's friends who had decided it would
be funny to show up at the hotel room, take pictures, and generally be a
nuisance of themselves. This is incredibly rude as it is, but guess who decided
to tag along? That's right, the woman who my great grandparents kept trying to
push my grandfather at.
The very last picture in my grandparent's wedding album is my
grandmother coming out of the bathroom with a surprised expression on her face
as she's trying to put on slippers, my grandfather crouching down having been
told that he was in the way of the camera, and the "other woman"
stepping backwards with a huge grin on her face. My grandmother, being a saint,
laughs about the whole thing now, but I'm sure it wasn't as funny at the time...
My MIL and FIL had RSVPed that they would be coming along with
H(usband)’s 2 younger brothers “A” who was 20 and “B” who was 18.
On the day before my wedding they show up (they lived a 4 hour drive away) just
hours before the rehearsal dinner with A’s 17 year old girlfriend! I was
living in the dorm at college, having graduated just 4 days before. We
were being married in the chapel at college. MIL brings her to me and says
“This is Jane. She needs a room to stay in. Could you find her a
bed in the dorm?” I was stunned, but did so. For
future reference, the phrase is, "I'm sorry, I cannot accommodate that
request." I asked MIL if she was going to give my
parents the extra money for Jane’s plate of food at the wedding reception.
She couldn’t believe that I would even suggest such a thing and she never did.
She had to sit on A’s lap at the reception until someone found an extra chair.
1 year later they broke up (big surprise) and A wanted us to cut her head out of
the pictures that she was in! He never wanted a reminder of her. H
refused. Oh, and for our wedding present we got a separate gift from A and
B. Nice, except that it was a knife set that was rusting at the handle.
2 years later at Thanksgiving I walk around the corner into the kitchen to hear
older sister telling an aunt that that gift we got was a re-gift of one her
wedding presents 3 years before and she probably should have stored it better so
it didn’t rust.
My coworkers and I were all appalled by the behavior of our
other coworker in the months leading up to our manager's wedding. We have
all noticed that she was a little rude, but nothing could have prepared us for
her behavior. Our coworker has two daughters age seven and four and takes
them everywhere with her, even if they are not invited. We
were all shocked during the bridal shower when R showed up with her two
daughters in tow. Except for the flower girl and daughter of the host,
these were the only children in attendance. Now, the shower was a
Round-the-Clock shower where the guest gave gifts appropriate to a certain time
of the day. The bride had encouraged us to think outside the box when
giving the gifts and some of them were of a sexual nature. While we were
all enjoying ourselves with food and gifts, the two girls let themselves into
the house and roamed around. R just let the girls be and enjoyed herself!!
Our manager had brought in a sample of her wedding invitation
to show us. After we had all admired the invitation, R took it upon
herself to take the wedding invitation home with her. Now, our manager had
only planned on inviting R and her husband, since she was not inviting any
children to the wedding and reception. R openly talked about taking
her girls with her to the wedding and reception and never asked our manager if
they were even invited. R was surprised to see that there were no children
at either the wedding or the reception. She even asked another coworker
why she did not bring her children. My coworker just bit her tongue,
but she wanted to say that they were not invited.
As both my husband and I have very large families, we tried to
keep our guest list small when it came to people outside of the family for size
and cost purposes. However, my mother insisted I invite some former neighbors
whom I have not kept contact with in over 5 years. I gave in to make her happy
(as well as invited several other families from the neighborhood I grew up in).
The family in question has 5 children, so that was 7 people. The oldest was
still living at home so I did not think at the time to send her a separate
invite. The family ends up RSVPing for 8 people to include her boyfriend. I
think, fine, it's just 1 extra person. I know this family is wealthy but they
tend to be very cheap with their money. Meanwhile I'm spending upwards of $50 a
head so I'm hoping they really enjoy themselves. Cut to the wedding day, 3 of
the 8 walk into the wedding ceremony late. A 4th joins them at the reception for
dinner and their table is half empty. So I basically lost out on $100 for
dinner. I was polite and didn't say anything but I ask my mom about it later.
She said the story they told her was the husband's father had passed away so he
took their sons to the funeral. This has got to be the lamest excuse ever. Why
would someone miss their father-in-law's funeral or their grandpa's funeral to
go to a wedding for someone they haven't spoken to in 5 years? It also doesn't
explain why the oldest daughter's boyfriend of a few months was missing either.
I was married in Anchorage, Alaska in 1973. While the
city is not stuck in the gold rush days, some of the guests apparently were. We
had a civil ceremony at the courthouse with only us and our two witnesses (Best
Man and Matron of Honor). To share our happiness, my husband and I decided
to throw a wedding “reception” for our friends three weeks after the actual
wedding. Since we had spent most of our “dating” at the small ski
lodge where my hubby worked, we decided to have our party there. It was in early
May so the lodge was closed and the snow was almost gone. Most of the
guests were Hubby’s friends who worked with him at the lodge. My MOH and I
planned a modest affair with some party trays and snacks, a large 4 tiered
wedding cake, Champaign and lots of spiked punch. I wasn’t planning a
formal affair but I expected my guests to come to a wedding reception in nice
party clothes. About a third of the guests showed up in flannel shirts and blue
jeans! That was tacky enough but one guest out-did the others in
tackiness. He and his wife showed up in their casual clothes, i.e. flannel
shirts and blue jeans, and upon entering the lodge he loudly asked, “Anyone
want to take a ride in my new Budweiser canoe? I have it with me!”
For those who don’t remember, Budweiser had just released some TV commercials
featuring a canoe covered with Budweiser labels. He apparently was very
proud of his reproduction. Fortunately, none of the guests took him up on the
My wedding was last week and I couldn’t have been happier
with it. Unfortunately my cousin (“Krista”) and her husband (“Ronnie”)
were quite “happy” too…
Shortly after the reception started, I was in the outside area
of our reception hall, talking to guests. (The hall had some tables set up
outside, mostly for smokers). While making my way over to my boss’ table, I
was cut off by Ronnie. He congratulated my new husband and I. After thanking him
he said, “I’m Ronnie, Krista’s husband by the way”. Considering we see
them often and go to their house every year for Christmas Eve, I was a little
confused as to why he felt the need to introduce himself.
Then I saw Krista. (Now, my cousin has always been a little
quirky but ever since she married Ronnie, she seems to have gone off the deep
end) She was wearing a very short dress, not only inappropriate for her age
(40s) but also left little (if she was standing) or nothing (when she sat down)
to the imagination. On top of that she could barely walk. I was really hoping it
was because she was wearing incredibly high wedge heels. I asked my uncle (also
a cousin of Krista) if she was having a problem with her shoes or if she had
been drinking. He said it must have been a combination of both, and that they
were like that when they arrived for the ceremony!
For the rest of the reception, I didn’t see them much aside
from a few drunken dances – though that was enough to make me mortified.
Not until a few days later did I hear more of Ronnie and
Krista’s evening. A co-worker of mine brought up that she saw Krista outside
crying hysterically. At another time, my boss told me the same thing. Later that
day I heard from my uncle that she was crying to random guests about how she
didn’t understand why her mother and brother were not invited. This was a
surprise to me since we had her mother’s RSVP at home, which included a nice
note on why she could not make it. We also invited her brother but he never
responded (that’s a whole other story!). At this point I am left wondering if
she actually believed this, or if she was just so out of her mind drunk that she
thought it was true. With Krista’s recent track record, I’m going to have to
go with the latter.
I was invited to my cousin's wedding. I was in an
unstable relationship so I didn't want to invite the guy, but I didn't want to
go by myself because my family is boring. I asked my close friend, Lisa,
and she agreed. The wedding was taking place a couple hours away and since
neither of us drove, I suggested we take the (cheap) bus ride and stay a night
at my father's. She declined and said she'd have her in-laws, who lived
near the wedding site, drive down and pick us up. We could stay at their
place, it would be fine, etc.
A few days before the wedding, I had a surprise visitor from
out of town, Mike. Lisa invited him to stay at the in-laws with us, which
was fine. So the day of the wedding, me, Lisa, her husband Ben and Mike
all piled in her FILs car to make the 1.5 hour trek. Ben and Mike dropped
us off at the ceremony site and picked us up after. We all went to a pub
for a drink to wait for the reception to start, and when it was time Ben and
Mike dropped off Lisa and I. The reception was kind of boring (which is
why I asked Lisa to come: so I'd have someone fun around) and after an hour and
a half, Lisa called her husband and asked him to come pick her up. "After
all," she said, "my in-laws drove all the way to pick us up, so I
should be spending time with them." I was absolutely floored.
She had insisted we get her in-laws to drive us!
Lisa ended up leaving, but Mike decided to stay in her place.
He was not dressed for a wedding, having not expected to come to one. My
father and his wife were at the same table as us and ignored him the whole time.
My cousin, the bride, asked if he was my boyfriend. I was so embarrassed that
Lisa had ditched me and I had this guy who wasn't my date and improperly dressed
as my guest, that just tripped over my words and was rude to Mike in
trying to explain how Lisa left me stranded. Mike proceeded to get drunk
at the open bar and when we finally left (the night stretched out too long!)
tried to hold my hand in the car home. I was uninterested, to say the
Thankfully Lisa's in-laws did not mind the company and were
very welcoming, but I was so embarrassed that Lisa had left me at the reception
with a 'replacement' that did not work out at all.
My husband and I took dance lessons before our wedding because
we were both terrible dancers. We never specifically practiced our first
dance, we just learned various dances. We didn't even know which dance we
were going to use for our first dance song and never practiced our first dance.
Our wedding night came and we got up and danced to our first dance. It
definitely wasn't Fred and Ginger, but we weren't horrible. We were glad
we had taken some dance lessons. Shortly thereafter, our sister-in-law
(groom's brother's wife) came up to him and said something along the lines of,
"So you took dance lessons and that's all you got from it. That was
pathetic." Nice, huh?
My husband and I got married this past year, and due to the
fact that I have a very large, and VERY close family (my mom has 7 siblings, all
of which have children or step children), we had to limit the number of
non-family members that we invited to the wedding. Since my parents paid
for the wedding, we didn't want to go overboard with invitees. So, we
limited the number of people from work.
When I went through my list, I decided to invite everyone that
I work with in the same office, and two people that I am pretty close with (we
have lunch all the time, and I talk to them on a daily basis). You would
think that this would be ok, right? Apparently, I was wrong.
About two weeks before the wedding, I got an e-mail from a
co-worker that I am not close with, nor do I want to be close with her.
She's very narcissistic, and thinks she's the most important person in the
department, when in all actuality, she gets on everyone's nerves with her
controlling ways. In any case, in this e-mail, she basically demanded to
know why she wasn't invited to the wedding. So, even though I shouldn't
have to explain myself, I wrote her back and told her the situation, and told
her that anyone could come to the ceremony, since that's the most important
part. If she wanted to come, she was welcome to come to the church, but I
could not, and would not add more people to the list. When I left, she
told me that she would like to go to the church, and she would ask some of my
co-workers if they would like to join her, since I live about an hour away from
where I work.
So, the day of the wedding, she comes to the church with her
husband. She raved about how beautiful the ceremony was (my husband and I
went to grade school together at that school, and we asked one of the priests
from that time to come back and say the mass, we actually got two of them, and
they did a wonderful job, beautiful homily, and just so many personal touches
were put into the mass).
Fast forward to my return from my honeymoon (about 3 weeks
later). I come into work, still glowing, and find out from several people
that this person came into work that Monday and posted a picture of my new hubby
and me at the wedding (no problem), and then proceeded to trash me for not
inviting her to the reception! She apparently thought that I should invite
everyone from the department (I work with over 300 people)! I never said
anything to her, but it is now over 6 months later, and she is still making
comments about how she was not invited to my wedding, and she barely speaks to
me when she walks into the office (which I'm really not upset about since as I
said, she's really not someone I want to associate with).
The kicker here is that she went in and complained to my boss
that I am rude to her and that I don't speak to her. But, she came in when
I got back from my honeymoon and gave me a "birthday present" (my
birthday was 5 days after the wedding). I don't know if she thought that
just because she came to the ceremony that I was going to invite her at the last
minute and had a backup gift just in case or what she thought. All I know
is that I (and a lot of other people) want to tell her to just get over herself.
My fiancé's cousin recently got married. They had a smallish
wedding with close friends and family. Many people traveled from other
states to be there. One uncle on the groom's side did not answer his invitation,
and had not responded to three phone messages left for him. As he did live quite
a distance away, the assumption was made that he was not going to attend. On the
day of the wedding, the uncle arrives, with his 15-year-old son in tow, who was
not invited. (For reasons that will become clear I will just let you know that
the son has an unusually-spelled name - vowels all over the place) The son was
wearing jeans and a dirty t-shirt, and we were all thankful it wasn't a hotter
day, because he was a little, well, pungent. The bride and groom quickly made
arrangements for two extra places to be set at the reception at the last minute.
During the reception, the dear son complained loudly about the music, the food,
and the reception venue itself. It wasn't until the couple returned from their
honeymoon that the bride told me that the uncle did not speak to her at all on
their big day, and the son, rather than a polite "thank you for letting me
come to your wedding, you look lovely etc.", had spoken to her only once.
His words of gratitude? "They spelled my name wrong on my place card".
Page Last Updated October 11, 2008